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These are not full instructions. This is a work in progress for now. It's a list of tasks I need to do to finish the tutorial. I'm crossing them out as I complete them.

  1. Open Arena Module
  2. Import image as tiles
  3. Create area in scene browser
  4. Open the new area by double clicking
  5. Create an Entity on Background
    1. Add a token component
    2. Name entity after tile T_0_0
  6. Duplicate entity
  7. Rename for tile
  8. Change sprite
  9. Make collision
  10. Create a lua file for the area
    1. Need a template
  11. Create flags PCSpawn1-6
  12. Create flags MobSpawn1-6
  13. Create a thumbnail sprite
  14. Create ExitDungeon Entity
/home/lonedwar/public_html/ · Last modified: 2022/02/06 16:30 (external edit)