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This is an old revision of the document!

This is a work in progress for now. Just notes really.

  1. - Open Arena Module
  2. Import image as tiles
  3. Create area in scene browser
  4. Open the new area by double clicking
  5. Create an Entity on Background
    1. Add a token component
    2. Name entity after tile T_0_0
  6. Duplicate entity
  7. Rename for tile
  8. Change sprite
  9. Make collision
  10. Create a lua file for the area
    1. Need a template
  11. Create flags PCSpawn1-6
  12. Create flags MobSpawn1-6
  13. Create a thumbnail sprite
  14. Create ExitDungeon Entity
/home/lonedwar/public_html/ · Last modified: 2022/02/04 01:25 (external edit)